Saturday, April 30, 2011

Uncle Scrooge: a dream, a brainwave and a venture

This cartoon character needs no foreword; he is the richest duck of the world. Every one of us is awestruck by his money making ability, but Uncle Scrooge has a lot more to offer, in fact I am flabbergasted by his endurance, I admire the way he spends on his family while being coined as a big miser! Have a look at the above picture.
So what can we learn from the world’s richest duck:
  1. He left his family in Scotland and moved to USA at the age of 13 years, that was his passion towards his goals
  2. He traveled to various parts of the world (including Asia and Africa) in search of opportunities: keep on searching for opportunities and never let pass any
  3. Wherever he went, he imbibed and followed the traditions of that place  and also made some loyal friends everywhere
  4. He was not considered as a very good employer, but he always looked for the cheapest option, and always supported his employees (Remember Launchpad!)
  5. Once he decided to accomplish something, he didn't took rest till the goal is met
  6. His policy was: to be smarter than the smart and to be tougher that the tough
  7. He always maintained his temper even after losing everything and started once again to be on the summit
  8. He was very good at maintaining relations and for all time, identified the right person as per the prerequisite
  9. He gave equal importance to the advice from others (even from his nephews)
  10. He always kept himself busy with one or the other task
  11. The secret behind his wealth was: to save miserly and to invest wisely
  12. He never hesitated in taking risks, and never got discouraged after in front of a potential loss
  13. He kept himself updated with the latest technology (with the help of Gyro Gearlose)
  14. Above all he valued his family more than his own life

Uncle Scrooge has proved that if you have a strong will to be successful and can work hard for it, than no one can stop you.
Finally, I wish success to all of you, may you also keep on adding and multiplying your fortunes. 

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